Authors Talking Bookish with hosts Hope Gibbs and Donna Norman-Carbone
So, you have a complete first draft of a novel. Congratulations, first of all, you’ve written a novel; that is an accomplishment unto itself. Now what? Is it ready for publication? Probably not yet. This episode addresses next steps after you complete that first draft.
You need eyes on your work for unbiased feedback. What are some options?
Writing group
Critique partners
Content editors
Writing coaches
What’s the difference between alpha readers and beta readers? And at what stage do you need them?
Creating a guide for the kinds of feedback you are looking for on your novel: Sample (FREE DOWNLOAD) Alpha/Beta Reader, CP Questions
Where do you find people to review your book?
Critique Circle https://www.critiquecircle.com/
Megan Lally’s CP Match https://www.meganlallywrites.com/cpmatchmaker
Women’s Fiction Writers Association (WFWA) https://www.womensfictionwriters.org/
Research some of the links we’ve provided. See what is the best fit for you. Create your own list of Desired Feedback. Reach out & share your work.
Hope Gibbs, author of Where the Grass Grows Blue https://www.authorhopegibbs.com/
Donna Norman-Carbone, author of All That is Sacred https://www.donnanormancarbone.com