Join us as we chat with award-winning author Maggie Smith, known for her books "Truth and Other Lies" and "Blind Spot." Drawing on her psychology and business background, Maggie crafts stories of resilient women facing extraordinary challenges. She also hosts the "Hear Us Roar" podcast and manages The Write City Magazine. Tune in for insights into her writing and inspirations.
Influenced by her former careers as a psychologist and a business owner, author Maggie Smith pens compelling stories of ordinary women who face extraordinary challenges with grit, brainpower, and strong doses of empathy and humor. She hosts the podcast Hear Us Roar and is managing editor of The Write City Magazine. She is the award-winning author of Truth and Other Lies and Blind Spot.
Book synopsis
How was your experience different/better launching book two vs. book one?
Can you tell us about the inspiration behind this book, in the context of your journey as a writer of women's fiction?
Can you give us a glimpse into your writing process? Research process?
Affiliation with the WFWA
Hear Us Roar podcast
The Write City Magazine
Website: www.maggiesmithwriter.com
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