Join us as we interview Jill Hannah Anderson, author of four novels:A Life Unraveled, Crazy Little Town Called Love, and The To-Hell-And-Back Club and, her most recent, Closer to Home released in March. Jill shares her journey to publication, discusses the differences between writing and publishing each of her novels, research and her experience as a member of the Women’s Fiction Writers Association (WFWA).
Can you give us a synopsis of your latest book, Closer to Home?
Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your fourth book, in the context of your journey as a writer of women's fiction?
Closer to Home features a strong, multidimensional female protagonist—Joleigh Moore. What qualities do you admire in her?
Writing a book often involves drawing from personal experiences or observations. Are there any elements of your own life that you've incorporated into the story?
Can you give us a glimpse into your writing process? How did you approach crafting this narrative?
Tell us about your journey to publication with your first novel The To-Hell-And-Back Club?
How has the WFWA helped you as a writer?
You have three other books under your belt. Can you tell us about those?
Can you share your research process?
What are some of the things you’ve learned the hard way as it pertains to both the writing process and publishing pitfalls?
What advice do you have for authors?
FB: Jill Hannah Anderson
IG: @jillh.anderson
Authors Talking Bookish https://www.authorstalkingbookish.com
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