Join us in conversation with Libby McNamee, author of award-winning upper middle grade novels including "Susanna’s Midnight Ride: The Girl Who Won the Revolutionary War" and "Dolley Madison and the War of 1812: America’s First Lady," and their Study Guides. She is also the co-editor of "The Epic Story of 1776" and "The Epic Story of America 1777-1779." Currently she is writing a third novel, "The Union Spymistress: The Story of Elizabeth Van Lew." We’ll delve into what led her to becoming an author, what fuels her to write historical novels, her writing process and more.
Tell us about your books
Tell us about your author journey
What fuels you to write historical novels?
What made you want to write upper middle grade novels?
How do you market to a young audience?
What is something you learned the hard way?
Advice for authors wanting to write to this age group?
What are you working on now?
Website:Â Â Â LibbyMcNamee.com
Facebook: Â LibbyMcNameeAuthor
Instagram:Â libbymcnameeauthor
Goodreads: Libby McNamee
LinkedIn:Â Â Libby McNamee
Full Show Notes are available on our website as well as free downloads mentioned in the episode.
Authors Talking Bookish https://www.authorstalkingbookish.com
Hope Gibbs, author of Where the Grass Grows Blue https://www.authorhopegibbs.com/
Donna Norman-Carbone, author of All That is Sacred & Of Lies and Honey  https://www.donnanormancarbone.com
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