Whether you’ve signed a publishing contract or are self-publishing, you need a launch plan. From author brand to gaining an audience, to release day and beyond, we’ve tracked our own journeys in order to provide you with a realistic timeline to follow for your own launch.
Your launch plan might look different based on how you are publishing your book:
Big 5
Small Press
How to figure out your ducks (To Dos) before you can get them in a row
Three phases of launching:
Before (18-12 month prior to launch)
During (6-1 month before launch)
After (3-6 months after launch)
Before and After the Book Deal by Courtney Maum
Launch Pad: The Countdown to Marketing Your Book, Mary Helen Sheriff & Grace Sammon, EDs.
Jane Friedman https://janefriedman.com/
David Gaughran https://davidgaughran.com/
We Grow Media, Dan Blank https://wegrowmedia.com/about/
Book Marketing with Mary, Mary Helen Sheriff https://maryhelensheriff.com/marketing/
Download your free READY TO LAUNCH timeline and get to work!
We are taking a break in December to spend time with family. Yes, writers need a break and we hope you’ll take one too. We’ll be back in January with an added feature to our podcast that we’re excited to unveil, so stay tuned for our first episode of 2024 on January 10th
Authors Talking Bookish https://www.authorstalkingbookish.comHope Gibbs, author of Where the Grass Grows Blue https://www.authorhopegibbs.com/Donna Norman-Carbone, author of All That is Sacred https://www.donnanormancarbone.com